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Definizione monolingua



whisker (plural whiskers)

  1. That part of the beard which grows upon the sides of the face, usually of the male, or upon the chin, or upon both.
    • 2003, Hanne Blank, Unruly Appetites: Erotic Stories
      He licked my ass cheek, then rubbed his face across my butt. I winced as his two-day whiskers rubbed the welts but said nothing. Then he growled and I felt his teeth digging into me, crushing, tearing, sinking deep and tight into my battered, stinging ass at the same time that he shoved three fingers deep into my cunt.
  2. A hair of the beard.
  3. One of the long, projecting hairs growing at the sides of the mouth of a cat, or other animal.
  4. (colloquial) The (very small) distance between two things
    • It missed falling on your foot by a whisker.
    • 2011 May 14, Peter Scrivener, “Sunderland 1 - 3 Wolverhampton”, BBC Sport:
      Boosted by their reward, Wolves continued to push forward and Jamie OHara came within a whisker of doubling the lead, smashing a 25-yard effort on to the bar.
  5. (nautical) spreaders from the bows to spread the bowsprit shrouds.
  6. (statistics) a graphic element that shows the maxima and minima in a box plot
  7. One who, or that which, whisks, or moves with a quick, sweeping motion.

Definizione dizionario whisker

  long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat
  A growth of facial hair between the nose and the upper lip.
  hair of the beard
  (colloquial) very small distance between two things
  A growth of facial hair between the nose and the upper lip.
  part of the beard
  part of the beard
  part of the beard
  part of the beard
  long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat

Altri significati:
  A hair of the beard.
  One of the long, projecting hairs growing at the sides of the mouth of a cat, or other animal.
  (colloquial) The (very small) distance between two things
  That part of the beard which grows upon the sides of the face, usually of the male, or upon the chin, or upon both.
  (nautical) spreaders from the bows to spread the bowsprit shrouds.
  The range of data that lies lower than the first quartile or higher than the third quartile in a box plot chart and that is indicated by a horizontal line.
  (statistics) a graphic element that shows the maxima and minima in a box plot

Traduzione whisker

baffo ,pelo ,baffi ,basetta ,basettoni

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