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  • shape

Definizione monolingua




  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wheel.

wheels (plural)

  1. Plural form of wheel.
  2. (by synecdoche) An automobile or other vehicle
    • Like my new wheels?
    • rolling 18 wheels
  3. (bodybuilding, slang) Well-developed thigh muscles.
    • 1999 March 22, “OB205”, ""Re: Freakiest Bodybuilder?"", misc.fitness.weights, Usenet
      Martin: Just for legs, Tom Platz in his heyday has never been approached.
      OB205: I totally agree with this, even to this day no one can beat those WHEELS!
    • 2004 December 28, Mark Jenkins and Jeff O’Connell, The Jump Off: 60 Days to a Hip-Hop Hard Body, page 76, HarperCollins
      But Mary J. goes all-out during big leg day, and look at her wheels—toned but very feminine.
    • 2006 April 30, Jim Stoppani, Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength, page 131, Human Kinetics Publishers
      ...try this big wheels program to pack on muscle to your quads and hams.

Definizione dizionario wheels


Altri significati:
  (by synecdoche) An automobile or other vehicle
  Plural form of wheel.
  Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wheel.
  (bodybuilding, slang) Well-developed thigh muscles.

Traduzione wheels

arruotare ,cassa ,ruote

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