
Nuestro enfoque bilingüe te permite comprender y aprender nuevas palabras en contexto. Podrás descubrir el significado preciso de cada término en español y, al mismo tiempo, explorar su explicación monolingua en inglés para desarrollar una comprensión más profunda del vocabulario y su uso adecuado.

  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua




  1. (interrogative) which thing, event, circumstance, etc.: used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc.
    What is your address?
    You told them what?
  2. (UK, colloquial) An interrogative which asks ""Dont you agree?""
    Its rather late, what?
  3. (relative, nonstandard) that; which
    • 1902, J. M. Barrie, The Admirable Crichton
      That’s her; that’s the thing what has stole his heart from me.
  4. (relative) that which; those that; the thing that
    He knows what he wants.
    What is tossed upward falls back down.

what (not comparable)

  1. in some manner or degree; in part; partly; usually followed by with.
    What with singing and joking, the time passed quickly.
  2. Such; this is; that is.
    What a pity.
    What a beautiful day!
  3. (obsolete) Why?
    What should I tell the answer of the knight? — Chaucer.
    But what do I stand reckoning upon advantages and gains lost by the misrule and turbulency of the prelates? — Milton.
  4. (now rare) Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts; both...and.
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book III:
      and so they rode fresshly with grete royalte, what by water and what by land, tyl that they came nyghe vnto london.

Definizione dizionario what

che cosa
  interrogative pronoun
  Which thing.
  that which; those that; the thing that
  interrogative pronoun
ciò che
  that which; those that; the thing that
quello che
  that which; those that; the thing that
  how much

Altri significati:
  Exclamation of amazement.
  what (action)
  (UK, colloquial) is that not true?
  in some manner or degree; in part; partly; usually followed by with.
  what (i.e. “what rudeness”) (an expression of surprise, anger)
  what (thing)
  what (word, utterance)
  which; which kind of.
  what (questioning)
  (obsolete) Why?
  how much; how great (used in an exclamation)
  Such; this is; that is.
  (UK, colloquial) greeting (archaic).
  relative pronoun
  (interrogative) which thing, event, circumstance, etc.: used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc.
  (relative) that which; those that; the thing that
  (now rare) Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts; both...and.
  (UK, colloquial) An interrogative which asks "Don't you agree?"
  nonstandard relative pronoun
  what (way)
  an expression of surprise or disbelief.
  (relative, nonstandard) that; which

Traduzione what

che ,che cosa ,cosa ,ciò che ,quello che

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