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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



wedge (third-person singular simple present wedges, present participle wedging, simple past and past participle wedged)

  1. To support or secure using a wedge.
    I wedged open the window with a screwdriver.
    • 1922, Virginia Woolf, Jacobs Room Chapter 1
      ""Did he take his bottle well?"" Mrs. Flanders whispered, and Rebecca nodded and went to the cot and turned down the quilt, and Mrs. Flanders bent over and looked anxiously at the baby, asleep, but frowning. The window shook, and Rebecca stole like a cat and wedged it.
  2. To force into a narrow gap.
    He had wedged the package between the wall and the back of the sofa.
  3. To work wet clay by cutting or kneading for the purpose of homogenizing the mass and expelling air bubbles.

wedge (plural wedges)

  1. One of the simple machines; a piece of material, such as metal or wood, thick at one edge and tapered to a thin edge at the other for insertion in a narrow crevice, used for splitting, tightening, securing, or levering (Wikipedia article).
    Stick a wedge under the door, will you, it keeps blowing shut.
  2. A piece (of food etc.) having this shape.
    Can you cut me a wedge of cheese?
  3. (archaic) A flank of cavalry acting to split some portion of an opposing army, charging in an inverted V formation.
  4. (golf) A type of iron club used for short, high trajectories.
  5. A group of geese or swans when they are in flight in a V formation.
  6. (in the plural) Wedge-heeled shoes.
  7. (colloquial, UK) A quantity of money.
    I made a big fat wedge from that job.
  8. (typography, US) = há?ek
    • 1982, Thomas Pyles and John Algeo, The Origins and Development of the English Language (3?? ed.), page 49
      The wedge is used in Czech and is illustrated by the Czech name for the diacritic, ha?ek.
    • 1996, Geoffrey Keith Pullum and William A. Ladusaw, Phonetic Symbol Guide (2?? ed.), page xxvi
      The tilde and the circumflex have a place in the ASCII scheme but the wedge and the umlaut do not.
    • 1999, Florian Coulmas, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems, page 193, “há?ek”
      The há?ek or ‘wedge’ <?> is a diacritic commonly used in Slavic orthographies. […] As a tone mark the wedge is used iconically for a falling-rising tone as in Chinese Pinyin.
  9. (phonetics) The IPA character <?>, which denotes an open-mid back unrounded vowel.
    • 1996, Geoffrey Keith Pullum and William A. Ladusaw, Phonetic Symbol Guide (2?? ed.), page 19
      Turned V is referred to as “Wedge” by some phoneticians, but this seems inadvisable to us, because the ha?ek accent ??? is also called that in names like Wedge C for ???.

Definizione dizionario wedge

  simple machine
  simple machine
  to support or secure using a wedge
  to force into a narrow gap
  simple machine
  to force into a narrow gap
  simple machine
ferro da alzo
  golf club
formazione a cuneo
  group of geese or swans in flight
  to support or secure using a wedge
  to force into a narrow gap
  to force into a narrow gap
  to support or secure using a wedge
  piece of food etc.

Altri significati:
  (colloquial, UK) A quantity of money.
  flank of cavalry
  (golf) A type of iron club used for short, high trajectories.
  wedge-heeled shoe
  One segment of a pie chart.
  To support or secure using a wedge.
  (archaic) A flank of cavalry acting to split some portion of an opposing army, charging in an inverted V formation.
  A group of geese or swans when they are in flight in a V formation.
  To force into a narrow gap.
  To work wet clay by cutting or kneading for the purpose of homogenizing the mass and expelling air bubbles.
  One of the simple machines; a piece of material, such as metal or wood, thick at one edge and tapered to a thin edge at the other for insertion in a narrow crevice, used for splitting, tightening, securing, or levering (Wikipedia article).
  (in the plural) Wedge-heeled shoes.
  A piece (of food etc.) having this shape.

Traduzione wedge

cuneo ,bietta ,incuneare ,zeppa ,conficcare

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